Take Action on the War and Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan

The people of Sudan need your help. The situation is dire. Below is a quote from the website where you can easily and quickly take action.

Make your voice heard. Go to https://www.sudanaction.org/

for the quick and easy action steps.

if you’re in the UK try tinyurl.com/sudanactionUK

If you’re in Canada try tinyurl.com/sudanaction

Thank you!

“We are now a full year into the war in Sudan, and Western nations have, for the most part, failed to take any meaningful action despite the demands of the diaspora. As you read this message, understand that during the past year, Sudan has been transformed into a “humanitarian nightmare” and “catastrophe,” according to UN officials. Today, over 10.7 million have been forcibly displaced by the war, with 9 million of those being IDPs, constituting the world’s largest internal displacement crisis. An estimated 24 million people require immediate humanitarian assistance, 18 million are suffering from acute hunger, 15 million lack access to health care, and 4 million women and girls are at risk of sexual violence, though these statistics barely scratch the surface of the level of devastation in Sudan. Moreover, a genocide carried out by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) currently ravages Darfur, with horrific reports of massacres, mass rape, and gender-based violence emerging from the region.”


Damn, I love my coffee, but I hate oppression more


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