Mom of two (4&7 years old)

Artist (I make sterling silver custom jewelry and lots of decorations out of soda cans and pizza boxes)

Six years in, still mastering French. Yet, I can make people laugh with a story at a party, so I'd say I'm doing pretty well.

  • Born in Atlanta, Georgia (USA), moved around a lot as a kid and adult. Lived in Florida, New York (for 15 years), San Diego, New Orleans, Austin. Left the States in 2014 to move to Tanzania but somehow ended up in Madagascar (they’re really not close to one another, but it happened.) Lived in Mayotte and Reunion Island after that. (both are French territories). I now live in a different French territory in the Caribbean, Guadeloupe.

  • I am a kind person, who enjoys genuine people. I get bored with egos and materialism.

    I love tacos, mermaids, bright colors, but my favorite color is black.

    Motherhood didn’t come easy, even though I wanted it more than I could explain. Now that my kids are older, there’s new challenges, but man I’m enjoying my role a lot more.

    I love meeting new people, especially ones that are different from me, but also LOVE my people who I share common loves of bands, mutual friends, 80’s movies, art, good food and having real conversations with.

    And most of all, I don’t tolerate hateful/racist/homo & transphobic people, no matter who you are.

  • I am an American who left the States almost 10 years ago. My husband, 2 kids and dog were all born on a French island near Madagascar, named Reunion Island.

    We currently live in Guadeloupe, a French island in the Caribbean. I wanted to be closer to the States and Mexico…so we β€œsettled” for here.

    Home is where they are obviously. Being a family with a mix of nationalities has its ups and downs. It means that no matter where we are, one or more of us is missing their favorite local spot or their favorite people that is usually hours away by plane.

    Still, we are grateful for this life and opportunities.

    Also, it’s lovely here, come visit!!!!!

  • I constantly remind myself and my kids that we are visitors everywhere we go, to be aware of our actions and always be respectful and kind.

     I believe those voices that have been silenced for centuries are the ones with the answers and only when we listen to them, will we be able to make real change on the planet.

  • Love is what drives me. It’s my superpower, which is great because my superpower used to be the ability to make any situation awkward (I’m still awkward at times by the way)

 Personal FAQs

Living in New York off and on for 15 years, I learned to hustle

I always had at least two jobs. Usually one full time job either working in an office, in the early years as an Executive Assistant for Chase Bank or Mtv Networks, later as a Business Manager or in house Bookkeeper for a variety of industries.

My part time job was usually retail and my own jewelry line.

The art of hustling gifted me with a wealth of experiences and skills that I deeply appreciate. It’s there that I recognized my craving for diversity; the repetition of day-to-day tasks simply doesn't captivate me.

That's why I was overjoyed when a close friend, invited me to manage her art boutique and take on the role of her in-house bookkeeper.

The Cotton Candy Machine is where I feel like I really grew into my bookkeeping pants and I was able to work with many different artists as well.

Every day was different, with different challenges and cool opportunities.

After years of freelance bookkeeping with diverse clients across various industries, I felt the winds of change calling me to a different part of the world. a move that I knew would change me forever but I couldn't anticipate the kaleidoscope of emotions – the beauty, poignancy, thrill, solitude, and enduring gratitude – that would lay ahead. The pull was undeniable.

Shedding my possessions, transitioning clients to capable hands, and enduring a series of setbacks, I found myself on a remote, roadless, car-free, electricity-free island in Madagascar (originally intended for Tanzania, but that's a tale for another occasion).

On this island I learned to project manage within two different cultures. One adhered to Western standards of time and approach, while the other embraced a different rhythm, goals, and priorities.

Navigating this intricate balance demanded building intimate connections with the locals and mastering their local dialect.

Later on, with this as my view every day, I met my future husband. He was visiting from his home island, Reunion.

Years later, we celebrated our marriage on that very island, with our three-month-old child by our side. We were lucky to welcome a second kid 2 years after that.

Even though I was busy building a family in the middle of the Indian Ocean, (actually it was a French territory called Reunion Island,) I was still hustling.

I was fortunate to have clients in NY and able to bookkeep remotely as well as teach children and adults how to speak English.

I was also learning and later teaching how to make art and wearable jewelry out of recyclable materials.

After feeling the winds calling me back towards the States, my husband and I chose to settle within the French territories, ultimately selecting the captivating island of Guadeloupe.

Situated a mere 3 1/2 hours away from the States by flight and sharing the same timezone as NY, it presented the ideal balance for our life.

During our journey to our new home, we cherished moments with our loved ones throughout France and the States, immersing ourselves in their company.

It was during our time in Atlanta that a new path unveiled itself before me. One that harmonized all my prior experiences, skills, and passions with an emerging affinity for exploring novel computer applications, alternative learning methods, and untapped abilities within me.

As this idea settled in, it felt like the moon and my dreams were coming together in an extraordinary collision.

Suddenly, a fresh direction for my career materializedβ€”one where I could weave together skills like organizing, adept project management, and providing unwavering support.

This fusion of abilities empowered me to partner with those who nurture diverse dreams and aspirations.

I am excited to see what the future holds for me and my clients.

Much like the moon,

I embrace change as a natural part of my journey and thrive within its flow.

As someone who's walked varied paths, I'm prepared to thrive in various domains, drawing on experience from different fields.

From creative entrepreneurs to innovative thinkers, I embrace the opportunity to stand side by side with those who might have different stories to tell.

I approach each challenge with an open heart and an eagerness to learn, resulting in solutions as diverse as the clients I empower.

  • I'm looking to collaborate with individuals who not only follow their passions but also embody integrity, humility, and ambition in their work.

    I seek those who understand the importance of trust in partnerships, respect for themselves and others, and the value of positive change and community building.

    I'm drawn to individuals fueled by love and dedication, who believe in the collective journey and are committed to personal growth and empowerment.

    I want to work alongside those who embrace the unknown, accept guidance, and acknowledge that expertise comes from diverse sources.

  • In my clients' pursuits, privacy, and principles take the lead.

    Transparent Approach:

    When faced with new challenges, I actively seek knowledge from tutorials, courses, and resources to develop the skills needed. Open and honest communication with clients is my guiding principle during this journey.

  • For me, it's all about putting in the effort, making the most of my time, and truly being in the moment.

    In my world, finding that sweet spot between work and personal life isn't just a goal; it's a way of life.

    So, when the weekend comes around, you won't find me working – I'm fully invested in recharging and enjoying those moments.

  • When I start a project, whether it’s for bookkeeping or something in the line of project management, I have a toolkit of questions for my potential clients.

    These questions are like puzzle pieces that help me craft a personalized plan tailored to their unique needs.These questions pave the way for a customized plan that speaks to the heart of my client's goals.

    Just as no two businesses are alike, every project comes with its own identity. My commitment lies in tailoring my strategies, skills, and attention to match the diverse essentials and objectives of each project I tackle.

I enjoy connecting with people who cherish both the efforts of others and the beauty of life, who embrace differences and walk a path of self-improvement.

I am passionate about joining forces with those who aim to reshape systems and champion equity.

If this resonates with you, let's connect and make a positive impact together.