Red Sky At Nite

An international project that firmly believes in the revolutionary power of women.

We believe that women hold the answers to repairing, building and making their communities thrive.

Rooted in the principles of decolonization and liberation, we are dedicated to dismantling oppressive systems and amplifying marginalized voices.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to empower women with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to lead their communities towards liberation.

From advocating for indigenous rights to challenging white supremacy, we are committed to driving meaningful change on a global scale.

According to Malcolm X, "The most disrespected, unprotected, and neglected person in America is the Black woman." Understanding this quote emphasizes the importance of listening to Black women, as they often possess a deep understanding of power dynamics in society. It's crucial not only to listen but also to take action.

Many Black women have been providing valuable insight for years without receiving the recognition they deserve.

Therefore, it's essential to listen, believe, support, and compensate them. White supremacy is deeply ingrained and powerful, and we must work to heal from its past, present, and future impact.

Please consider taking action and start by following the prompts below.

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