Manifesting as a form of resistance?

I saw a friend’s video recently where she talked about the power of our minds and thoughts. She said if you just focus on something for 30 seconds a day, you can manifest it. I thought about the times I’ve tried manifesting something in my personal and professional life and how after a short amount of time I stopped doing it. I can’t really remember why I stopped, but I did.

This time though, I thought about how many moments out of the day I feel pretty shitty and sad. Maybe the words are really, hopeless and helpless instead. Because I bear witness to many terrible, frightening, heartbreaking things due to the various events happening all over the globe. Why do I bear witness? Well that’s for a different post, but ultimately I do it to maintain my humanity and connection to others….I almost feel like sometimes I can absorb some of the pain for them, but I realize that’s not helpful to anyone as it’s just not the right way. So in the thoughts of manifesting positive outcomes, I thought maybe I could do this as a practice in resistance.

Why not?

And oddly I’ve been doing this for a week now and it helps when I see that my government is doing everything to do the opposite of what so many of its people are saying to do. I feel like my practice of manifesting is another way that I can fight for liberation of all people.

Maybe it could work for you and maybe and hopefully we will see a beautiful impact.

So what do I do?

I sat a timer for 30 seconds (well I did in the beginning but now I see that I’m going over this time…to almost a minute or more, the point is to focus for 30 seconds or more).

I sit somewhere quiet, that I can’t be interrupted.

I either close my eyes or I fix them on a point on the wall.

I state the land or people that I am focusing on.

I start to say “Land/People” are free! They are healing. They are finding their people and sharing beautiful meals and moments. They are learning how to be free people. They are autonomous. They are thriving. They are free. They are grieving and mourning in the way that is appropriate to them. They are rebuilding. They are returning home. They are free. They are thriving. They are healing. They know what their people need and they have control over their land and their rights. No outside interference is there, only love and support. The people or land is free, they are thriving and healing.”

This is just an example of what I say. I have 4-5 different places and people that I concentrate on. I’m sure it will grow as I learn and understand more of what is happening in all the places of the world. I like to send love and gratitude to the people as well.

Like I said, I don’t know if it will help, but it sure feels like something is moving and if we all continue to do the work in all the ways we can, change WILL happen and people will be free.

another thing to note, when doing this practice, make sure to state the positive things, don’t say anything like “There’s no…..” or “I hope to see” or let any roadblocks hinder the flow. Only imagine the hopeful event/situations to happen. Act as if the thing you want is possible, because it is.

Please do this daily and let me know how you feel. I would love for this to be a part of our movement for liberation for all via abolition.

Much love to you and remember, only love is welcome here, there’s no room for anything else.


4 Activists I follow when the world feels shitty


For real, only love is welcomed