For real, only love is welcomed

It takes a lot to put yourself out in public and I just want to be very real with you, I’m not thick skinned and won’t love any negative feedback.

I realize that I may not say things in the best way sometimes, as I’m not a great writer. It takes a lot out of me to write in a professional and very thoughtful way. So these blogs at time may not sound like I’m not very educated. And well maybe on a level I’m not. I mean, I went to college, I’ve excelled at various jobs and careers. I have quite a nice few skillsets in different industries and such. I do know what I’m talking about when I am able to just be in that thought for a bit of time, but I’m not able to switch very quickly and since I’m a mom, it hinders my writing time. My little ones often interrupt me to help them put one of their many costumes on or to give me a drawing that resembles the one that they gave me yesterday or to say they’re hungry. So I tend to ramble or forget what my point was… maybe now.

My point is, read or don’t read these blogs. They will maybe be for you some of the time, but not all the time and if it’s none of the time, just move on. Don’t come to tell me how my views are wrong or silly. Don’t tell me. just don’t. I don’t care. I’m not for everyone.

What I am for, is love. I can’t believe that I say that now because I used to think that wasn’t very punk to say, but hell yeah it is.

You’ll never hear me bash people, governments yes, empires yes, but not the people. I’ll talk about White supremacy for sure because it is such a huge part of the world’s problems and it needs to be recognized and dealt with. We all need to unlearn, learn and heal. And then act!!!

Anyways, thanks for being here, but know I’m flawed, my super power is making things awkward, even in my kindness I’m super awkward without meaning to be. But I am loving.

By the way, you are loved and you are love.

High fives!

And the pic is from a Brooklyn party for the tattoo shop Saved back at their grand opening. my friend Bryce Ward took some great photos….I hope he still is.


Manifesting as a form of resistance?