Why should we bear witness to other’s suffering?

We owe it to the victims, the family/loved ones, the movement, to ourselves and all humanity to bear witness. We must wade through the details presented to us and feel all the horror, sadness, disbelief, fear, rage, all of it. It won’t feel good, you’ll want to run away, to look in a different direction, to change the subject. That is normal, but don’t. It is important to feel it. To hear what is being said at that moment. It’s important to find out who you are now, at this present moment after having experienced it and to ask “What can I do?” 

The answer may not be clear, but having done that just this morning, I can tell you that my answer is “Do what I can here and now”

And what can I do at this present moment?

-Make my voice heard either by participating in protests, signing as many petitions as possible, calling and emailing my government reps often (annoy the hell out of them), sharing what I’ve learned, doing what you can to amplify those being harmed’s voices.

-Show kindness 

Kindness is needed everywhere to everyone, to every animal and plant. I do what I can for people, animals and land that I see needs help. I find myself always looking for small areas where I can offer assistance whenever I am in public.

-Stay engaged and rest

I always try to balance between staying engaged/bearing witness and resting. I do not feel bad for taking days off from learning about what is going on. It’s ok. It’s necessary. It’s a privilege and one we should recognize that, be grateful for it, and accept it. It’s ok.

We all have our place in this world with what we are needed for, and we can only operate at our best when we take appropriate time to rest and regather. But I don’t stay in the resting phase for too long, as I’ve found that it could quickly turn to apathy. 

-I like to read, watch or listen to people who are further along the way in the work. I found inspiration, motivation, perservation, etc from those who offer indigenous perspectives. Listening to the ways others move through the fight for collective liberation helps me to see my role in it.

Bearing witness isn’t easy and fun, but it’s a must. Be gentle with yourself, make sure you’re as grounded as possible beforehand. I encourage you to listen to what it is being said to you.

Send love to the people or animals being harmed, even if they are no longer of this world.


People to Follow to have a different perspective


I remember the moment that I looked up the word “solidarity” in the dictionary.